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Study trip to Warsaw

On 23-24 May, a group of CISAD students together with Dr Marta Golonka had the opportunity to visit Frontex and the      American Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw. Here is what our student says:

"Our study trip to Warsaw on 23-24th June gave me a priceless opportunity to visit the organisations such as American Chamber of Commerce and Frontex, and also the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland. We had a great chance to learn from Ms Dorota Dabrowski-Winterscheid and listen to her very interesting speech about the Economic Diplomacy in Poland and Polish-American economic relations.

On the second day we continued our trip with a visit to Frontex-European Border and Coast Guard Agency where we listened to Mr Reza Ahmari. It was very informative and interesting to learn about the challenges of the border control and the role of Frontex in dealing with issues on the border.

Lastly, we visited the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland and had a chance to talk to Ms Magdalena Sobkowiak about the EU presidency and the role of women in politics. I am thankful to all of the speakers and organisers of the trip for providing us with such a great experience. And I can confidently say that I gained a great knowledge from the discussions we had during the visits."
