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वेब कॉंटेंट डिसप्ले वेब कॉंटेंट डिसप्ले

TransAtlantic Studies Anniversary Conference – Call for papers!

event-date: १५.०५.२०१६

"TransAtlantic Relations: 10 Years in Review" – International student conference. Krakow 21 May 2016.

2016 TransAtlantic Studies conference provides an unique opportunity to meet fellow students, TAS alumni and faculty and discuss current research.

The conference aims to provide different perspectives on the current dynamics and the future of the transatlantic alliance. For more than fifty years, the transatlantic alliance has been the cornerstone of the free world, the incarnation of "the West." Its success in managing the Cold War and bringing it to a successful end was an impressive historical accomplishment proving the strength of cooperation among nations and their ability to link values with interests. But at the same time it is clear, especially in the context of recent events in the international realm (crisis in Ukraine and Syria, TTIP negotiations) that members of the transatlantic alliance have competing security interests and different views on the terms and conditions of the power distribution in the international scene. This time of challenging events on the regional scene and in the EU area marks a new opening in transatlantic relations, which should be observed and analyzed.

We invite paper submissions that focus on political, historical, geographical, anthropological, literary and sociological aspects that fall within the scope of transatlantic studies from both students and alumni.

The specific goals of this conference are to:

  • Facilitate the exchange of research ideas on an international level,
  • Help prepare students for a career in business and academia,
  • Encourage the development of scholarly networks.

The application deadline is May 15 2016. Send a short abstract of your proposed article to malgorzata.zachara@uj.edu.pl.

The conference will take place at the Jagiellonian University on May 21 2016.

पब्लिश्ड डेट: २९.०४.२०१६
प्रकाशित किया:: Tomasz Pugacewicz