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वेब कॉंटेंट डिसप्ले वेब कॉंटेंट डिसप्ले

फ़रवरी २०१९

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Orientation meeting dedicated for incoming students

तिथि: २१.०२.२०१९
आरंभ समय: 17:00
स्थान: Kolegium Śląskie, Mickiewicza 3 Street, room 331

Studying at a new and foreign university is both exciting and challenging experience for Erasmus students. 

In order to help you to integrate more easily into your new environment, the Faculty of International and Political Studies of Jagiellonian University offers an orientation meeting dedicated for incoming students.

The meeting will take place on Thursday, February 21st at 5:00pm in Kolegium Śląskie, Mickiewicza 3 Street, room 331. 

We highly recommend taking part in this event as we will provide crucial information on important deadlines, fulfilling the learning agreement, courses’ selection and handling with USOS registration process.  You will also have a chance to ask questions in case of any doubts.

We extend to you our best wishes for a successful and productive student exchange.