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Отображение сетевого контента Отображение сетевого контента

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Kogo lubią Polacy? Ekspert: strach paraliżuje możliwość poznania innych - prof. dr hab. Zdzisław Mach dla TVN24 BiS

26 lutego 2017 r. prof. dr hab. Zdzisław Mach był gościem programu TVN24 BiS. Tematem rozmowy był stosunek Polaków do innych narodowości. Poniżej prezentujemy fragment rozmowy:

The second edition of the Jagiellonian International Model United Nations! "Contemporary Security Challenges".

After a successful “beta” edition in December 2015, the Association of International and Area Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow is now ready to open its doors to delegates from all around the world for the second JagIMUN. The event will take place from March 24 to March 26 in the splendid setting of Przegorzały Castle.

Invitation to an open lecture - LECTURE CANCELED

"How to exhibit racism. Some reflections on science, art and society in the making and spreading of racist images” - César Carrillo Trueba (UNAM, Mexico)

In the Age of Manufactured Anxiety - Massolit Discussion

The 5th of November a fascinating discussion with professor Patrick Vaughan took place in the Massolit Books & Cafe.

In the closing days of the Cold War the American scholar Francis Fukuyama wrote a widely discussed academic article called “The End of History.” The premise held that the demise of totalitarian dictatorships would produce a more tranquil era where liberal democracies would spread and prosper throughout a more peaceful world.


Zapraszamy na warsztaty „Competency Building Workshop”

Serdecznie zapraszamy studentów pierwszego i drugiego stopnia rożnych kierunków studiów do uczestnictwa w warsztatach prowadzonych w języku angielskim.