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"A Genealogy of Liberty" - wykład otwarty profesora Quentin Skinnera

event-date: 19.05.2016

Serdecznie zapraszamy na wykład otwarty w serii "IRAS Guest Lectures", który wygłosi profesor Quentin Skinner (Cambridge University, Queen Mary University College London). Wykład zatytułowany ‘A Genealogy of Liberty' odbędzie się 19 maja 2016 r. o godz. 12.00 w Auli Collegium Novum. Profesor Skinner jest gościem Katedry Filozofii Polityki.

Professor Skinner is an eminent British scholar, professor emeritus of history at Cambridge University, Barber Beaumont Professor of the Humanities at Queen Mary, University College London. His research centres on early-modern Europe, and one of his principal interests lies in the Italian Renaissance. He has published books on Machiavelli, on early Renaissance political painting, on the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes, on ideals of civic virtue, and his best-known work, The Foundations of Modern Political Thought, attempts to span the whole early-modern period. Professor Skinner has also written extensively on the relations between rhetoric and philosophy, and has just completed a book on Shakespeare and forensic eloquence. His philosophical interests include speech-act theory; the nature of interpretation and historical explanation.

Professor Skinner is known as the founder, along with J.G.A. Pocock, of the Cambridge School of the history of political thought that centered its attention to the 'languages' of political thought and the contextual focus.

Дата публикации: 11.05.2016
Published by: Tomasz Pugacewicz