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Отображение сетевого контента Отображение сетевого контента

"Development and Security in Contemporary Conflict Zones. Migration Crisis, Lessons Learned and Future Opportunities" – zaproszenie do nadsyłania zgłoszeń

event-date: 15.09.2016

Development and Security in Contemporary Conflict Zones

Migration Crisis, Lessons Learned and Future Opportunities

1st – 3rd December 2016

Krakow, Poland


We have a pleasure of inviting you to the international conference organized jointly by the International Development Department of University of Birmingham and the Institute of Middle and Far East Studies of Jagiellonian University with support of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI). The conference will focus on the Development and Security in Contemporary Conflict Zones in a context of ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Syria and a reassessment of lessons from earlier interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and will take place in Krakow, Poland on the 1st – 3rd of December 2016.

Programme and book of abstracts

The conference will start with an open plenary session with key note speakers' lectures and policy oriented events, followed by a reception on the evening of Thursday, 1st of December, 2016. Over the course of the next two days research papers will be delivered before an audience of scholars, analysts, policy specialists, NGO's practitioners and experts representing different academic, research, and policy interests in development and security nexus range of issues.

The detailed programme will be provided shortly.

Conference subjects

Please, submit abstract of a paper covering one or more of following issues:

  1. research on development processes during interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan
  2. theory and practice of civil-military cooperation in a non-permissive environment
  3. nationbuilding and statebuilding in a context of ‘stabilization'
  4. cultural and ethical aspects of development actions and security
  5. activities and potential of the Provincial Reconstruction Team model of civilian-military collaboration
  6. international organisations and the security-development nexus
  7. development aid NGO's actors and military in an asymmetric conflict zone
  8. security sector perspective over re-construction and development issues
  9. private sector, conflict zones economy challenges and development
  10. state actors political attitude towards development issues during 'interventions'.

Abstract size: 700 to 900 words (including issue, methods, data, findings). Final papers should have about 9,000 words (including notes, references and tables).


Registration is now open. Final date for submission of abstracts of papers is September 15th, 2016. Acceptance notifications will be send September 21st, 2016. Completed registration form should be submitted by the October 1st, 2016.

Please, send both to conference mailbox: devsec2016[at]gmail.com.


The conference will start at 9.00 am on Thursday 1st December and end at 18.00 on Saturday 3rd December. The conference fee covers accommodation in a 4+ stars hotel for 3 nights with breakfast and lunch included. The hotel is located in a well communicated place within a walking distance to the university modern campus and 12 minutes fast tram ride to the Wawel Royal Castle and a few minutes more to the Old Town district.


The registration fee is €400 which will cover: registration, all conference materials, accommodation (lunch included), banquet, coffee and snacks during breaks. Please note that all transaction fees must be paid by the sender.


We aim to publish some of the papers for the conference in the Journal of Development Studies. Accepted papers will be peer-reviewed and enabled for publication in a special edition of the Journal. Additionally, we hope that certain groups of papers may be suitable for publication in other reputed and specialised journals. The word limit and format for papers considered for publication is a typical Journal of Development Studies paper standard (about 9000 words and extended abstract). The final version of full paper to be eligible to peer-review for Journal of Development Studies should be submitted after the conference, but no later than February 28th, 2017.

Accompanying events

We expect to attract participants with different academic and professional backgrounds to create a space for formal and informal discussion over the development-security nexus research area and its policy in a context of migration crisis and ongoing conflicts. The accompanying workshop will explore the potential for a large bid and cooperation. Detailed plan will be provided after closing of the call.

The conference organisers plan to host the semi-formal seminar with professionals working in a non-permissive environment in a development and reconstruction sphere.


Special arrangements have been made with local Krakow guides for cost-free optional sightseeing of the city and royal castle.

Conference Committee and Contact

General chair – Professor Adam Jelonek, PhD (Institute of Middle and Far East Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków),

Program chair – Professor Paul Jackson, PhD (International Development Department, University of Birmingham),

Coordination and Communication chair – Assistant professor Jakub Stępień, PhD (Institute of Middle and Far East Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków).

Submissions and registration should be directed to: devsec2016[at]gmail.com.

Information and general queries should be directed in the first instance to: jakub.p.stepien[at]gmail.com.

Details will be available shortly on websites of the International Development Department of University of Birmingham http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/government-society/departments/international-development and the IMFES website too: http://www.orient.uj.edu.pl/.

Дата публикации: 02.08.2016
Published by: Tomasz Pugacewicz