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Відображення мережевого вмісту Відображення мережевого вмісту

Library opening hours

From October 4th to October 31st. Library opening hours:

Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


The Lending Room is temporarily located in the Reading Room, with the possibility of collecting orders and returning books.

Lending books outside is possible only after signing up to the Library for the current academic year, logging into the computer catalog and placing an order (https://katalogi.uj.edu.pl).

It is recommended for readers to sign up to the Library online, by sending a message to the address https://bibliotekawsmip@uj.edu.pl containing: name and surname, year and field of study and student ID number (number under the bar code).

Free access to books in the Lending Room and Reading Room, access to computers and book drop remain unavailable until further notice.

Entrance to the Reading Room from the main building (only from Reymonta Street): turn into the corridor on the right (there is a pictogram of books above the door), go through the corridor to the end and turn left, the door to the Reading Room is on the left side at the end of the corridor.

On the Faculty's website (https://wsmip.uj.edu.pl), in the Library tab, there are regulations concerning the rules of using the Library.

All matters that do not require the presence in the Library should be dealt with by phone 12 663-27-88; 12 12663-27-89; 12 663-27-91 or by sending a message to the following address: bibliotawsmip@uj.edu.pl