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Zapraszenie dla innowacyjnych studentów i naukowców do udziału szkoleniach i giełdzie start-up

Sieć Inwestorów Krakowskiego Parku Technologicznego serdecznie zaprasza innowacyjnych studentów, naukowców

The Europaeum - an association of 10 leading European university institutions: opportunities

Jagiellonian University is a member of the Europaeum association that helps to promoted collaborative work between leading European

Workshop for young people from Poland and Germany 'Task Force for the EU': German and Polish policy towards Europe under scrutiny

A seminar and workshop held in English for young people from Poland and Germany from 13 - 16 May

Spotkaniu z redaktorem naczelnym "Sankt-Pietierburgskich Wiedomostiej"

14 kwietnia 2011 r. w Instytucie Rosji i Europy Wschodniej WSMiP UJ gościł Redaktor Naczelny gazety „Sankt-Pietierburgskije Wiedomosti”

Swiss Direct Democracy: A Model for Democratization or a Case sui generis?

The Embassy of Switzerland in Poland invites to two public lectures of the renowned Swiss political scientist and author Prof. Dr. Wolf Linder